Boost engagement and revenue with effective welcome emails. Discover proven templates, subject lines, and personalization strategies to enhance brand loyalty. Explore various examples tailored for subscribers, trials, and new customers.
Welcome emails are one of the most important steps in building long-lasting relationships with new customers or prospects who have just made their decision in favor of your business. The impression your welcome/ introduction message leaves has a huge impact on the success of your overall email marketing efforts. Research shows however that only 57.7% of brands send welcome emails to their newly subscribed users.
A welcome email or an introduction email is the first one your subscribers, customers or clients receive right after their first interaction with your business. It can serve various purposes, such as introducing your brand/ product/ service to customers, encouraging next steps or simply reassuring the customer of their choice. The power of a welcome email to drive user engagement and build more brand loyalty should not be underestimated. In fact, studies suggest that:
74% of people are expecting to receive a welcome email immediately after they subscribe to your list. | Subscribers who receive a welcome email show 33% more engagement with the brand. | The average open rate for welcome emails is 50% which makes them 86% more effective than newsletters. |
Welcome emails generate 4x more opens and 5x more clicks than regular email marketing campaigns. | The conversion rate for welcome emails is 0.94% compared to 0.10% for a typical email. | Welcome emails on average generate up to 320% more revenue per email basis than other promotional emails. |
Given that the subject line alone is the determining factor in whether 47% of people will read your email or not, the right subject line is the foundation of a good introduction email. Also, a flexible promotional email template allows you to quickly adjust content for different campaigns while maintaining a professional layout. Here some proven welcome email subject lines you can adapt to your brand and use right away:
A professional introduction email/ welcome email to new customers or subscribers may include the following key elements:
Check out these welcome email templates that can be used in your business communications.
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Begin with a friendly greeting, followed by a brief introduction of the sender and their role within the company. Expressing gratitude for the client's decision to work with the company is essential, as is providing a brief overview of what the client can expect. Including any relevant contact information and inviting the client to reach out with any questions or concerns is also important.
You should send a welcome email right after a user creates a customer portal account. Don’t make them wait too long, because if they don’t receive a message within a few minutes then they may think that something went wrong.
A welcome email should be short, but it can also work as a message that facilitates user navigation through your portal. That’s why you can include a few (a maximum of 3) links leading to, for instance, an FAQ section, basic manuals, or a glossary.
Sending plain, automated emails in the year 2021 is not the best idea. Try to segment your contacts and include some unique information related to your recipients. Use personalization tokens to mention their subscription type, common pain points, or the date they joined your company.
To initiate a welcome message, decide the communication medium, such as a website pop-up or chatbot. The message should be friendly, briefly introducing the platform or service and offering help. The timing needs consideration too; it should be prompt but not intrusive. Either a website pop-up greeting with a short feature overview, or a chatbot opening conversation with a cordial greeting and help offer, could work.
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