What is SLA violation?
Some businesses prefer or are obliged to have a certain Service Level Agreement in place. The SLA sets a definite timeframe in which tickets have to be answered or chats and calls have to be picked up. If they are not answered or picked up within the specified timeframe, SLA Violation occurs.
Normally, if too many SLA Violation occur, a company should reconsider their SLA setups and preferences or should empower their workforce with more agents or with better helpdesk tools.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SLA violation?
The SLA specifies the time frame within which tickets, chats and calls must be received. If the clients do not receive a response or the call is not answered within the specified time, an SLA violation occurs.
How to avoid SLA violations?
In order to avoid SLA violations, the company should first of all be honest with its client and not hide bad news. In addition, the internal configuration of the system should be checked for reminders and escalation procedures. It's also worth reviewing how the processes work.
Can you monitor SLA violations in LiveAgent?
In LiveAgent, you can monitor SLA violations. Administrators have access to this, so they are able to ensure that agents resolve matters on time.